Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio


I shot this image with my phone camera. I did a round of Yin Fu's 8 Palms before the group formed.

The Details: 

It's 49 here at the house. The sunrise was at 5:35.

The Practice:

I went into The Studio to teach the 8-9:30 Taiji and Qigong class.

The focus this morning was on 'neutral postures'. I explained in detail. Here's a few things that were mentioned: 

- Strive to use 'neutral postures'; first at the ends of postures, eventually throughout transitions.

- Imagine being pulled when you are in a forward bow stance, ensuring that you do not go too far forward.

- Imagine being pushed when you are all the way back as in Roll Back, ensuring that you do not go too far backward. 

*The Standing posture Holding The Moon is a great example of a 'neutral posture'

I started with a Standing session using the standard arm positions and I added 'shift to one side' ala Play Guitar. Afterwards I described how I using Play Guitar to cultivate my Qi.

I also talked to the group about 'sinking one's Qi'

Next we did a round of The 10+ - I explained about a few of the principles that I use to progress 'internally'

Next we did a Round (right side) tuned into neutral postures.

We finished with a Healing Qigong then socializing and resting on the benches.