Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Practice


The Details:

It's 66 at the house. I woke up to a skunk smell. Last night the coyote's were loud enough (close enough) to wake us up. It's a bit unnerving to have them that close, unusual too!

The sunrise was at 5:14.

The Practice:

I thought I'd practice in the driveway but reconsidered after taking a few photos.

The Iris are blooming! But it was too hot to practice in the heat of the sun. It's supposed to be in the 80's this afternoon!

After retreating to the shade I used my Dragon Sticks to do a session of Double Cane exercises, tuned into using my waist during Fluid Attacks and my shoulders during Around The Head. I changed the target from side to front to side during the alternating Around The Head exercise. Great I idea for multiple attacks.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ tuned into the benefits from daily practice of this marvelous set. Many thanks to Dr Leung Kay-Chi RIP Gone but not forgotten.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into the experience from a meditative point of view. Present but detached at the same time. Harmonizing Jin, Qi and Shen!