Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thursday Practice - "Freedom comes through discipline"


The Details:

It's 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:13.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with Jian Yang Standing, then did a round of Taiji Jian tuned into the quality of the postures, stance work, the helping hand and applications. 

Next I did two rows of Lazy D with the Jian in the left hand tuned into the tip of the Jean.

Next I went to my main practice spot and did a round of Yin Style Baguazhang 8 Palms Form. I recited the names of the first 4 changes as I did them. 

Next I did a full Round of Taiji (right side) tuned into not over thinking, feeling and sinking my qi.

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito tuned into full extension on the kicks and the quality of the punches.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata tuned into the flow of the sequence and the quality of the individual techniques.

I finished with a Healing Qigong....

Next I prepared for a scheduled guitar lesson with Shubal at noon. It was a great lesson on finger picking style guitar. Shubal is a master of guitar playing and very knowledgeable about guitar theory. 

Next off to Noho to look at a Toyota 4-Runner. We took it out on the highway and it shimmied at highway speed. 

Then we went to Paul & Elizabeth's for Dinner. Fabulous meal, excellent service too! 

*An excerpt from Master Paul Gallagher's book Drawing Silk:

"Truly, freedom comes through discipline. For the diligent practitioner eventually comes to realize how the actions and indeed the entire gamut of daily Taiji Quan practice compel him to perceive his own weaknesses and to overcome them. The movements, though they may appear 'effortless,' are surely not perfected without effort, and going through an entire sequence of movement amidst the business of daily life demands that one be patient and persevering. Hence, during the process of learning this art, practicing it daily, and of perfecting it, one is made to confront one's deficiencies both mental (impatience, lack of concentrations, etc.) and physical (weak legs, waist, etc.) and through gradual practice, without haste or anxiety, to overcome them."