Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's

The Details:

It's 65 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:13.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with a mini round of The 10+

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into consistency 

Next I drove to Hatfield to train with Paul. Erik was there when I arrived but left to go look at sports cars for sale (Kittredge Colection)

We went upstairs to Paul's Taiji Room. 

We worked on various things that seem to work for Paul. He had several exercises that really connected his mind to his body with almost immediate results. Yay!

Paul had some PT help to develop a safe (r) method of navigating the flight of stairs up to his Taiji Room. He looked really good going up and much safer going down. Yay!