Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio - Yin/Yang


The Details:

It's 59 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:14.

The Practice:

I arrived at The Studio about 15 minutes early. It was 79 in the room....The heat must have been on all night! I shut the heat OFF and turned on all the fans, opened the windows and put a fan in one of them. All was well. 

The theme for the class was Yin/Yang and how that relates to Taiji training, push-hands and martial arts in general. 

After a brief discussion we started with single hand Push-Hands, tuned into issuing and receiving. I likened it to playing catch with a ball. One ball, two people...It's difficult to get confused about who is throwing and who is catching the ball. This is not the case with complex two person exercises like the Taiji Dance or Tapi Tapi in Modern Arnis. 

Next we paired up and practiced The Taiji Two Person Dance. I worked with Read on Parts III, IV and V.

Next we did a Round of Taiji. Starting of on the left side for Part I and then Parts II & III on the right side. Attempting to stay focused on the Yin/Yang (receive/issue) throughout the postures, with a minor focus on visualizing applications.

At 9 I did a very brief run through of The 10+ with those that could stay.

I had a 10:15 appointment in Brattleboro VT

Next I drove back down Rt. I 91 to Sweet Lucy's in Bernardston MA to buy some dessert for tonight's neighborhood gathering.

After a short stop, I headed home....Finally!