Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


                    I shot this image wide angle with my phone camera at the beginning of my practice.

I shot this with my Sony mirror-less camera. I'm thinking this is the camera I'll bring to France. It's light and has a telephoto lens. 

The Details:

It got down to the low 50's last night. The sunrise was at 5:12.

The Practice:

I practiced in the driveway before driving down to Hatfield to work with Paul

I started with a round of Low Family Staff, Taiji Staff and Monkey Staff tuned into the correct sequence and agility.

Next I did a round of The 10+ tuned into transformation and principles. I did Snake and Hawk Palm for #9

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into Zhong Ding and Swimming In Air.

I drove down to Hatfield in my Bimmer with the top down.

Shot this with my Sony camera right after arriving at Paul's.

Paul and I went upstairs to his Taiji Room to practice.

We started with a brief warm up, including walking in both directions around my knapsack, arm circles in both directions along with palm up and palms down and opening and closing the hands.

Next we did single Sinawalli and ended up alternating high palms. 

Next we did Single Arm Push-Hands emphasizing pushing and pulling. I encouraged him to use strength.

Paul's lower back and left hip and leg was bothering him. He was having difficulty standing up straight and balancing on his left leg.  

We finished with three rounds of the Introduction to the Taiji Solo Form tuned into the proper sequence and full extension. 

Next we did a Round of Part I focused on following me with correct sequence, direction and stance.