Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Practice


That is a lot of candles! Happy 80th Read!!

The Details:

It's 62 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:32.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway using Master Liang's Dao (broadsword) I did a round of Taiji Dao focused on the timing of my steps and postures, the names of the postures and the health benefit of doing this form. FYI - Master Liangs Dao that I have, is the right hand side of his Double Dao set. Even though it's from a practice set, it's combat heavy!! I can really feel how heavy it is, if I haven't been practicing with heavy weapons recently.

Next I moved up to my main practice area and did a round of Cheng T'ing Hwa Baguazhang The 8 Animal Set. One of each alternating the sides. I tuned into the specific differences between this set and the Yin Fu sets that I practice (8 Linking Palms [Wang Shu-Jin] & Yin Fu's 8 Palms)

Next I did a full round of The 10+ doing Snake&Hawk Palm for #9 and emphasizing Song Gong with Pore Breathing with the earth.

Next I did a Round of Taiji tuned into "Neither excess, not deficiency" using neutral postures.

Next I did a Standing session with Baguazhang Guard for the single leg postures.

Next I did a round of Anyo Anim tuned into the particulars of the Anyo

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata tuned into the agility and exercise that can be derived from practicing this Kata.

                                                                        Birthday Boy!!