Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Practice - Read's Birthday Party


The Details:

It's 64 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:32. It's forecast to be a beautiful day. Warm and dry. Yay! Read's 80th birthday party later this afternoon. The party is rain or shine but luckily it looks like a good day for it.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with a round of Taiji Jian with my metal sword. I recited the names of the postures throughout the round. 

Next I used a wooden Jian to do a row or two of left hand Lazy D's focused on the tip and rooted stance work.

Next I moved to The Patio and did a slightly modified round of The 10+

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) focused on "neither excess, nor deficiency" and harmonizing Jin, Qi and Shen. I had a profound connection to nature's Qi.

Next I did a Standing session followed by a Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo tuned into sequence and applications

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata focused on quality basics throughout and some possible changes at the end.