Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio


                                 Jack and Lucy refining Brush Knee And Twist Step. 

The Details:

It's 70 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:41. It rained overnight and it's very damp and humid out. I'm going into The Studio to teach the 8-9:30 Taiji and Qigong Class.

The Practice:

First Jack and Lucy arrived and we started with a review of Brush Knee And Twist Step with a partner to explore the application and general 'feel' of the posture. 

Next we moved on to Wave Hands Like Clouds. I worked with Janee after she came in.

Read arrived I did an explanation of Abdominal Breathing adding Wave Hands and talking about messaging the internal organs by Abdominal Breathing and moving the waist (Yow sp?). 

Next we moved on to an abbreviated version The 10+ staying focused on messaging the internal organs.

Next we did a Round of Taiji. Tuned into the yogic postures and messaging the internal organs. We started on the left side for Part I and then moved to the right side for Parts I & II.

I finished with a full round of Healing Qigong

After class I did a round of Taiji Jian with the entire class. I emphasized continually looking at the tip of the sword.

I went to the YMCA only find a note on the door saying they were closed for a water main break. Oy!