Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


        I shot this with my phone camera. Paul stretching out his back and hamstrings after our walk.

The Details:

It was 68 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:27. I was scheduled to be at Paul's in Hatfield at 10

The Practice:

I did a short round of The 10+ followed by a Round of Taiji (right side) in the driveway before I left for Hatfield.

After getting gas I drove down to Hatfield. When I got there I asked Paul what was working the best for him in his opinion. The answer is walking, especially walking outside.

Paul put on good shoes and we did a 30-40 minute walk outside. I was flabbergasted that he could walk that far and for that long.....Fabulous. His gate had a nice long stride with good heel/toe roll. He did get tired by the end. It was pretty hot and humid too so that would be expected. The last time I saw Paul he was only able to walk for a few minutes....So big improvement! Yay!!

We didn't end up doing much more than a nice long walk outside and a little stretching...It's all good!