Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


I shot this with my phone camera as soon as I arrived at Paul's. In the foreground is my '98 Volvo sedan my daily driver and that's one of Paul's hot rod (V8) Volvo's in the background. I bought my '98 Volvo S70  from Performance Motoring back in '04, when Eric was in charge of car sales. I bought it with 142,000, it currently has 232,000. She's still running strong and looks good too!  

The Details:

It's 71 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:42. I'll be driving down to Hatfield to train with Paul.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with a short round of The 10+

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into embodying the Taiji Principles described in the Taiji Classics.

When I arrived at Paul's we went upstairs to his Taiji Room to practice.

We started with a brief Warm Up with large Arm Circles in both directions, up and down with arms and up on toes and back on heels (dorsi flexion), then #1. 

Next we did a full session of Focus Pad work using Jab and Cross, striving for long and controlled.

Next we did a Walk The Circle session, in both directions striving to walk around a central point (set point).

Next we did Push and Pull and Circles in both directions to resistance.

Next we did a Round of Part I with three rounds of the Introduction.

Next we did a full session of Single Arm Push-Hands tuned into the eyes then against resistance at the end.

We finished with a Healing Qigong