Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Practice

The Details:

It's 62 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:15. 

The Practice:

I started out on The Stone Patio with a full round of The 10+

at #9 I moved to my Bagua Poles in my main practice area and did a full round of Yin Fu 8 Palms, reciting the names of the postures 1-4

I'm really enjoying the new placement of my Bagua Poles - I've already noticed that I'm using them more. The dirt and mud getting on my shoes and then into the house held me back from using them. Having them on in my main training area and on TRG is so convenient I find it very helpful. Moving them to my main training area was a  really good move!! That means it's more likely that I'll practice BaguaZhang more and more...Yay! 

FYI - In order for BaguaZhang (or any other method) to make a lasting contribution to your health and longevity, like any medication, needs a clinical dosage (enough, but not too much) and as daily as is possible. 

**Remember that:
 Regularity is more important than intensity - Consistency is Essential to Success o matter the endeavor)