Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday Practice

I moved my BaguaZhang Poles (thanks Lenny) down into my main practice area. I set them up with a compass so that they would be accurately aligned with N & S (the three tallest poles) and E & W. I eyeballed with corners. 

The Details:

It's 60 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:13. It's forecast to be a nice day. I've got a 2pm appointment today at Dr. Goldsher's to get my teeth cleaned.

The Practice:

I started with acoustic guitar practice followed by a session on my big Ludwig kit practicing the Alan Dawson method using the Syncopation book. I did the first three pages of exercises without reciting the count aloud. I did it without errors until I got to the middle of the third page. Then I needed to count aloud to be accurate. I did not use a metronome but did try to keep the meter consistent.

Next I moved my Baguazhang Poles and situated them with a compass.

Next I did a round of The 10+ tuned into consistency and the health benefits from regular practice.

Next I did a Round of Taiji reciting the Taiji Classics as I practiced. My goal is to embody the principles without conscious effort. 

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into the quality of my basics and the applications of the movements.

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata tuned into the correct sequence. I was having a bit of difficulty with the last 1/4 of the form. I did it twice, the second time I focused on mentally getting out of the way. I was 'overthinking' the first time through and self-doubt crept in and ruined it! 

Overthinking kills 'it' (no matter the endeavor) - Music, Martial Arts, Dance, Gymnastics etc.... Any kind of performance demands a relaxed but conscious mind. High level competition (think Olympics)  is 90% mental! Try to keep it light with a sense of humor, try to NOT take yourself or the endeavor too serious. 

The Taoist way is to use the 70% rule. Try, but not too hard! Balance effort with relaxation. Care, but not too much! 

Perfection is unattainable,

 aim for it anyway!