Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


I drove my Bimmer down to Paul and Jean's. It was cool and dry so I had the top down both ways. I did run into a sprinkle as I was coming into Beaver Meadow. It wasn't raining hard enough to have me stop to put my top up. I was able to get all the way home with the car in the garage before I put the top up. Yay!!

The Details:

It's 51 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:04. It's cool and clear, forecast to be a nice day! It's Wednesday so I've got a 10 am appointment to work out with Paul

The Practice:

I started with a brief acoustic guitar practice then I went out into the driveway to exercises.

I did a brief warm up with the first few of The 10 tuned into opening the body and checking for the effects of yesterday's CYBEX routine at the YMCA.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into observing the level of embodiment of the Taiji Principles. I've been doing more and more work on adjusting (calibrating) my mind to observe with awareness and consistent attention to coordinating the external with the internal. 

Next I drove down to Paul's 

When I got there he told me he had fallen twice since I saw him last (last Wed.). The falls have shaken his confidence a bit. That along with a change in meds and perhaps just the day itself contributed to more 'getting stuck' than usual.

We did:

- Expand the Ball (push outward) and Contract the Ball (pull inward) against resistance

- Push and Pull against resistance

- The introduction to the Solo Form against resistance

- Wave Hands Like Clouds as a discreet exercise keeping track of which direction the arms are moving in.

- Big Circles in both direction

- Brush Knee stationary (he had trouble with this one, and kept wanting to do a version of Roll Back to Press.

- Sitting and Standing (functional exercise) using arms to assist.

- Single Arm Push Hands (focused on pushing and pulling with strength)

- Focus Pad work on Jab and Cross

Paul was tired

I'm working out at time to go out to eat with Jean, Paul, Ginnie and I. We're aiming for early September.