Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday Practice


                                                               The Garden looking north

The Details:

It's 54 at the house. Cool and clear for the forecast today. The sunrise was at 6:04. Genna is coming up around to to help out around The Farm.

                                              Genna weed whacking the south fence line.

The Practice:

I started out practicing by The Garden with a full round of The 10+ tuned into the health benefit from daily practice

Next I went on The Deck and did a Round of Taiji (left side) I recited the Taiji Classics as I practiced and observed from a third party perspective the results of 40+ years of regular practice and study. Marvelous!

Next I did a Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito reflecting on how familiar the movements and sequence are. It's really coming along.

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata reflecting on how familiar the sequence and techniques are becoming.