Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


The Details:

It's 66 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:012. It's forecast to be a beautiful day.

The Practice:

I started in the driveway with a brief Warm Up followed by a Round of Taiji (left side) focused on consistency. I recited the Taiji Classics as I practiced, tuned into calibrating my I (mind) to the same frequency as nature, The Earth and The Universe resonates on. 

Next I drove my Bimmer down to Paul and Jean's. There's extensive road work being done on route 5&10 in Hatfield.

When I got to Paul's I he was in a chair unable to stand. He did try to stand up a few times and he was able to get up on his feet but he was unable to balance on his own. 

So....We worked out in his living room while he was in the chair. I encouraged him to train what he can sitting. As we age training while sitting is one of the main options for those that want to keep at it.

While he was still sitting, I started with two exercises for his legs. 1. Ankle Pumps - attempting to lift the front of the foot while the heels stay on the ground (DorsiFlexion) 2. Leg Extensions - from the knee swing the lower leg forward (contracting the quadricep, not the hip flexors) 

Next we did Push and Pull with both hands/arms at the same time.

Next we did Palms Up then Palms Down 

Next we did Big Open Hand (spreading the fingers) Big close (make a tight fist)

Next we did Big Circles in both directions.

Next we did a sitting version of Single Arm Push-Hands

I finished with doing a Round of Taiji while Paul followed along the best he could (while sitting). 

Next I did Part I of the Taiji Solo Form with Paul sitting, me standing doing to form and him following the best he can. 

Next I helped him get up on his feet and attempt to balance on his own. My take is the proprioceptive cells in his feet are no longer giving vital information to his mind. He kept getting too far back on his heels and seemingly unable to find the center of his feet (Bubbling Well Point).

Paul was getting tired at this point so we concluded the session.