Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Practice


                                            Master Mom's Wooden Taiji Jian

The Details:

It's 61 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:22. It's forecast to be cool and clear....Again!!

The Practice:

I practiced on The Deck this morning. I stayed close because I've got Echo and I know that he loves The Deck!

I started with a full acoustic guitar practice. I worked on the finger style guitar songs that I know and the strumming song 'Take Me Home Country Road' by John Denver .

                                                   My acoustic guitar practice station.

Next I did a brief warm up followed by a Round of Taiji to Master Liangs music and count. One of the good things about practicing Taiji to 'the beat' is that it keeps you honest about the accuracy of the sequence. It reminds me of playing music within an arrangement. You must remember where you are in the song. Same within a Round of Taiji. 

Note: For beginners memorizing the accurate sequence of ??? (the Solo Form) is important, as become a long term (decades) regular practitioner, accurate sequence is important. IF you over think then you will not have the mental capacity to articulate the correct sequence. It's exactly the same when playing music; over thinking will kill it!

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa adding more pop and focus with fully extended punches and kicks.

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata tuned into quality basics and the timing of stance and strikes

Next I did a round of Taiji Jian to the CD that I made back in 2008 with Shakuhachi Flute music with my reciting the names of the postures. I used Master Mom's Taiji Jian to do this round.