Friday, June 28, 2024

Monday Practice on the Viking Ship Delling on the Rhone River in France


Taken with my phone camera from the bed in our state room. 

The Details:

I practiced late in the tiny state room #336 on the Viking Delling Ship. There was very, very little space to practice in and in the dark it was even more challenging. Oy!!

The Practice:

This was another 4 square feet Rounds (right side) focused on 'getting it in' which I generally refer to as being consistent. FYI - Consistency is what it's all about. I bring my Internal Practice (s) with me wherever I go. It it easy when I travel? Absolutely not!! This is an example of needing to get up out of bed, because when I reviewed the day (a very full day of touring France) I realized I hadn't done my basic Round of the Day. That was very uncomfortable and not a great round but a very important round as a reminder to practice early in the day. It made the next day (Tuesday) easier and better because of this one being so uncomfortable. 

One of the main purposes of my daily practice is to assist me in developing the Indomitable Spirit. Getting up out of a comfortable bed when you are dog tired to 'get in' a Round is tough. Give it a try and you'll see!