Friday, June 28, 2024

Sunday, Tuesday Practice in France

                       I shot this with my phone camera on the upper deck of the Viking Delling Ship
The Details:
This trip has been very difficult to keep up with regular Internal Practice and the writing has been even more difficult without a computer. There's been a few days that I'm just trying to 'get it in'.
I'm back in Leyden and realize that I've got 4 days to journal so here goes:

The Practice: 
Sunday and Tuesday I had the best practices up on the deck. Both days I stayed back from the Included Viking Tours. Sunday I did the afternoon Steam Train Tour which was really fabulous! I'll post some photo's once I download and process the images from my Sony camera.

Both days I did a full round of The 10+ and they felt great!

Next I did a Round (left side both days) tuned into consistency and big wide open movement. I had the best practices of the trip on those days! Yay!!

I finished both days with a short Healing Qigong.