Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursday Practice in France


I shot this with my phone camera at the Lufthansa Terminal in Lyon, France. A nice (for an airport) private area to complete my Round for the day. Yay!

The Details:

After an $80 ($150 EU round trip) EU cab ride back to the Lyon Airport on the outskirts of the city, an hour away, during morning rush hour. We proceeded to wait for our Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt Germany with a connection with United Airline to Washington D. C. with a connection to Harford CT. Oy!

The Practice:

I had the foresight to start my practice in the room at the Restid Hotel in Lyon before breakfast. I knew it was going to be a long day with little opportunity to find a private space to practice in. I did a brief warm up and a Round (right side) of Parts I & II focused on consistency. I finished at Lyon airport. I found a private area in the Lufthansa Terminal while we were waiting for our departure, which was postponed by 2 hours (of course!). I completed Part III tuned into 'getting it in". It turns out that, that was a good choice because the day went south as soon as we landed in Germany and the Frankfurt airport. It seems that the Frankfurt airport was closed all day on Wed. because of bad weather and of course there was the Aer Lingus strike that also affected air travel in Europe. Oy! 

Finding time to practice while traveling can be very challenging....Very!