Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Practice


The Details:

It's 60 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:30. The heatwave broke last evening. Yay! The last few days was the third heatwave of the summer. Oy!

The Practice:

I started out in the driveway with a round of the 4 Modern Arnis Cane Anyo's using the wooden samurai sword - I did them all on the right side and then 1 & 2 on the left side.

Next I moved to my main practice area and did a full round of The 10+ tuned into consistency and the effect that doing a round of The 10+ has on one's overall health. These are truly marvelous exercises IF you do them daily. I feel when I skip or skimp them then I'm the only one that loses. It takes discipline to be regular at anything. Don't think, just do it!

Next I did a Round of Taiji focused on balancing Jin, Qi and Shen. One of the first steps is to identify and separate them so that you have the basic ability to harmonize them. I had a profound connection to the earth and the universe. I felt the connection between Song and Jin. Sinking my Qi produces a raising of Jin from the soles of the feet through the 9 zig zag path, manifesting in my fingers.

Hip to foot, foot to leg, leg to waist, waist to finger tips - all act as on unit - Think Dragons Back!

Next I did a Healing Qigong focused on releasing any lack of resilience, negative or limiting thoughts, any injury, disease or illness and breathing in abundant health, calm, centered internal strength, resilience, appropriate reactions to ____? (anything)

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa tuned into the correct sequence and the quality of my basics.

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata tuned into applications, timing and quality basics.