Monday, July 1, 2024

Sunday Practice


I had a gig in the afternoon so I did a full session of rudiments to a metronome, on a practice pad.

After pad practice I went out into The Barn and did a short Standing session using The Wild Goose Leaves The Flock guard position from Yin Stayle Bagua Zhang
Next I went to my main practice spot and did a full round of The 10 + focused on opening my body and preparing my mind for Internal Practice by connecting to nature.
Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into sinking my qi and feeling the earth pushing up against the bottoms of my feet. About 1/2 way through my round I spotted this Mom and Fawn off in the distance looking at me. I always feel that when wild animals stop to watch me practice that it's an omen.
Next I did a round of Anyo Isa
Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata focused on the changes I'm making to that Kata.
I finished with a short Standing session and a Healing Qigong.

I didn't really feel up to moving my drum kit, but.........Here it is all set up! The line up was Bobby V. and I on the bottom end with Jason on keyboards, Shubal and Phil on electric guitars, and Dave on harmonica and vocals. There were a few moments when it came together and a few train wrecks too! Oy Vey!!