Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio


Hall of Happiness - I have this posted up on a cork board just inside The Studio main door. 

The Details:
Slightly cooler today at 62. The sunrise was at 5:21.

The Practice: 
I went into The Studio this morning to teach the 8-9:30 am Taiji and Qigong class.
I had a couple of folks tell me they couldn't attend. Read, Janee and Lucy did show up for class at 8.

I started with writing on the board "Refining" then a list of how to refine 1) Holding Postures (same sequence as any Standing practice 2) Repeating single postures on both sides (working on specifics) 3) Partner Training (to acquire skill and know how to apply the technique.)  4) Use the technique in Form practice.
We used Brush Knee and Twist Step to do the 'Refining' exercise.

I also talked about balancing Yin/Yang and discerning the Yin/Yang's of it all. 

Next I did a modified version The 10+ tuned into the correct amount of stretch to engage the connective tissues

Next we did a Round with Part I on the left side and Parts II & III on the right. Tuned into the embodiment of the Taiji Principles and overall refinement of each posture

Next a short Standing and a Healing Qigong.

After class I did a round of Taiji Jian. I vocalized the names of the postures as we did them.

Next we did Lazy D on the left side tuned into the stance work and the tip of the sword.

I had to go to West Springfield for an eye exam with Dr. Spatcher. Long way to go....but it's done and everything looks good.