Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday Practice


My practice spot for the day, between these two gorgeous trees. Very powerful spot. I felt a profound connection to nature. 

The Details:

It's 62 at the house and very wet. It's forecast to rain today. The sunrise was at 5:51. I have to go into Greenfield early this morning. 

The Practice:

My 325 CI was scheduled for an oil & filter at Cherry Rum first thing this morning. It was scheduled for 9 and I arrived at 8:20....Ugh! 

First I went to Denny's and had breakfast then I spotted a likely spot to practice across the street. While I was teaching, I did outside Taiji classes there during the good weather months back in the 1980-90's.

Once I landed on a practice spot (above) I started with a full round of The 10+ focused on loosening and opening my body and calibrating my mind and agility in general.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into "Neither deficiency or excess" 

Next I did round of Anyo Tatlo tuned into applications and agility

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata tuned into quality techniques

After a few chores I drove back home. After lunch I walked the property and landed in my main practice area where I did a round of Yin Fu 8 Palms 1-4 around my main Baguazhang tree, reciting the names of the postures.