Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Practice


Today's the day for the '98 to get traded in on a new vehicle. It's been a long process of elimination. We've had this 4-Runner since 2001. She's been a 'truck'. Sad to see her go, but it's time!

The Details:

It's 61 at the house. Clear and cool. The sunrise was at 5:54. We have an 11 am appointment to pick up our new Honda Passport later this morning.

The Practice:

I practiced in The Driveway before heading into town. 

I started by doing a round of Taiji Dao using Master Liang's right side broadsword from his double broadsword set. Then I did Level Pushes in a row with my left hand.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ focused on maintaining and improving agility.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) I focused on observing myself doing the Round from a third party perspective.

I ended with a Healing Qigong.

I needed to get to Greenfield where I had an 11am appointment to trade in our '98 and drive away with our new (2021) Honda Passport.

It's a happy day to get through this lengthy process of trading in a car and getting what it's worth and of course deciding on what to replace it with. Hopefully this Passport will be another dependable and reliable vehicle! Fingers crossed!!