Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Practice


I practiced on The Deck this morning to classical music. It's a beautiful day! It did get a bit too hot by the end of my Round.

The Details:

It's 59 at the house. Cool, crisp and dry today! A blue bird kind of day. The sunrise was at 5:53.

The Practice:

I started with guitar practice (Sugar Babe by Dave Van Ronk) then downloaded the photos that I took yesterday at my sister's annual family party. I captured a few 'moments'!

After a few more chores I went out on The Deck and started with a full round of The 10+ tuned into the health benefits I'm getting from consistent practice of them over the past 40+ years. I learned them in the summer of 1978 from Dr. Leung Kay-Chi the author of the original set. I've kept most of them and added a little here and there. The original set is what I've got posted here on The Studio Blog.

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into third party observation of my Round: 

Paying attention to observing myself practice is easier said than done. 

It's super easy to 'over think', that will basically ruin your inner peace (and your practice) Then again if you 'under think' especially at the beginning of your study that will also insure an inferior result. Ah, here we are again at this notion of balance. It's everywhere!!

I finished with a Healing Qigong and some more guitar practice.