Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Practice

 The Details:

It's 64 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:01. It's wet out, it rained overnight.

The Practice:

I started out with 15-20 minutes of acoustic guitar practice to a metronome set at 60 BPM. I've got a couple of new exercises from Shubal, that he showed me yesterday at my lesson. It's coming slowly but surely. Consistent effort is the key.....Daily practice! Surprise, surprise!

It started to rain again so I retreated to The Barn to practice. I thought I'd to a Round to Master Liang counting out the beats to the music, but I kept having technical difficulties to I tried Track #2 with just the music and it worked! I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into synchronizing with the beats and observing the quality and subtleties of my form. 

After nearly 50 years of Taiji practice (other martial arts too) it's refreshing to see the results of daily practice. There is NO shortcut and there are NO secrets; other than sincerely practicing every day. Follow the Taiji Classics to the best of your ability and knowledge, until you know better, then practice better. 

Progress is paradoxical and cyclical.....Just keep going!

 There is only doing "it"


not doing "it"

after you're "doing it",

 focus on the quality 

that you are "doing it" with.

Next I did a round on Anyo Apat tuned into the quality of my stance work and the overall flow and sequence of the form.

Next I did a round of Kusanku Kata tuned into agility, strength and flexibility.

I finished with a round of Healing Qigong

Afterwards I listened to the interview with Paul Abdella and Master Liang (he was 87 in 1987) at the end of the Taiji music CD. Very inspirational!

I did a full round of strength training using my TRX Straps, Dumbbells and Push-Up Bars before returning to the house.