Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio

 Jack, Lucy and Wes this morning at The Studio - I know Read and Janee were away this week. It's August so many folks are away on vacation or have visitors. Enjoy! 

The Details:

It's 69 at the house and it's raining pretty steadily. The sunrise was at 5:48

The Practice:

I started with Wuji Hundun Qigong from Master Duan. I did the introduction (sunrise) and three discreet exercises followed by the ending (setting sun). I used the Duan's Qigong as a warm up for the class and didn't do The 10+ that I usually do. I hope it made it more interesting for the class.

Next I did two solo exercises 1. Brush Knee and Twist Step 2. Wave Hands  I did these in a way that would help the 2 person drills.

Next we did a Round (right side) to a metronome set at 60 BPM with two tones; one for the downbeat and the other for the upbeat (the &). I talked about the space between the last & of the previous posture and the 1 of the next posture. Movement concludes but does not actually physically stop, but it does pause. A musician would read/play an 1/8 note rest at the end of each 'measure' (posture). Some postures are easier than others!

At the end of the Round I did a brief Standing and Healing Qigong.

After class Jack and Lucy stayed to work on a few two person drills, ending with Withdraw And Push.

Genna was coming up for lunch today. She's found an apartment and a friend to move in with. Fabulous watching her spread her wings!