Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


The Details:

It's 59 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:56. It looks like it's going to be a gorgeous Blue Bird Day!

It's Wednesday so I'm scheduled to be at Paul's at 10....I'm on a roll! 

The Practice:

I started out in the drive way with a round of Taiji Staff, Monkey Staff and Lo Family Staff. I did The Propeller on both sides.

Next I did a brief Warm Up

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) tuned into observing myself from a third party perspective. 

I ended with a brief Healing Qigong.

Then I drove to Hatfield in my Bimmer.

After arriving, Paul and I went upstairs to his Taiji Room to practice:

- A brief warm up:

- Up and Down (I separated the upper and lower body actions into two discreet exercises)

- #1 (to keep putting on shoes while standing up)

- #2 (I brought and rubber exercise band and explained about a) too loose b) too tight ...attempting to get the stretch 'just right')

- Three Rounds of Taiji (part I up to the 2nd Brush Knee) I talked about what I was doing throughout the Rounds. The last Round I held the postures and corrected things like which foot was forward and which hand was doing what movement (push or pull). 

- Walking in a circle (around a central point) in both directions.

- Jab and Cross to a Focus Pad

- Push and Pull against resistance

- Single Arm Push-Hands (I started with resistance and then released that and focused on flow and turning the waist)

- Building the Qi Ball

- Using the Qi Ball and Read's variation on Taiji Ruler using a bow stance.

- We finished with a Healing Qigong