Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio


The Details:

It's 36 at the house....Brrrr! The sunrise was at 7:04. I've got Taiji and Qigong Class from 8-10 this morning and next Tuesday are the last two classes that I'll be teaching this season. 

The Practice:

ACTIVELY REFINING is the topic that I presented this morning. I had 4 students show up for class: Nancy, Pat, Janee and Read. 

After talking about actively refining we did a round of The 10+ explaining the exercises that fall into the Functional Exercises column and the exercises that fall into the martial skill development column.

Next we reviewed The Dance and I talked about refining vs sequence. I spent a bunch of time on the Push-Hands section of The Dance. 

Next we did a Round (right side) I stopped briefly at the end of each posture in Part I and in Part II I recited the Taiji Classics. 

Next we did a short Standing Post Training (SPT) 

I finished with Healing Qigong. 

After class I did two round of Taiji Jian with Janee and Read. I recited the names of the postures during the first round and just the postures and sequence for the second round.

Next I went to the YMCA to do a round of CYBEX for strength training.

After the Y I went to Tito's for lunch before returning to Leyden.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Fascia Explained


Fascia Explained

Strength Training is Essential for peak performance at any age

Various weapons, Dumbbells, Resistance Bands, Balance Boards and Medicine Balls are all tools I use for Strength Training.

Strength Training is essential as we age

Monday Practice

The Details:

It's 47 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:03.

The Practice:

I started out with acoustic guitar practice. There was talk on Friday about a possible lesson this morning, but it's not looking good.

Next I went out to my main practice area and did a round of The 10+ focused on consistency. I contemplated the notion that at first ??? is new, then as time goes on 'it's' not new, then it becomes very, very ordinary and this is the point in time that the average person gives up and stops. It's usually more of a one day off turns into two days off and before you know it's been a year or more. Time has a way of marching on whether you are 'doing' or 'not doing'.

It was too cold to continue outside so I came in doors to finish The 10+ up in The Loft. 

I did #9 outside using The Heavenly Horse Walks In The Void and #3 from Yin Fu 8 Palms Form.

Inside I did Standing Post Training (SPT) on a Bosu Ball. It really helped to maintain my awareness in my feet. 

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I was focused on consistency. 

Next I did a round of Anyo Apat tuned into the correct sequence, quality basics and agility.

Next I did a round of Wansu Kata tuned into the correct sequence, quality basics and agility.

I finished with Healing Qigong

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Practice


The Details:

It's 41 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:02. We're going to a Celebration Of Life ceremony at SYC this afternoon for John P.

The Practice:

I started my practice outside in my main training area with The 10+. It was too cold so I came inside to do my Round of Taiji and my Arnis and Karate Forms.

I did Parts I & II in the living room and went upstairs to The Loft to finish my Round and do the other Forms. I was primarily focused on consistency and observing my unconscious competency. 

Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo tuned into consistency, agility and applications

Next I did a round of Seiunchin Kata focused on the quality of my postures, techniques and stances.

I finished with Healing Qigong and Standing Post Training.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday Practice

The Details:

It's 59 at the house. The weather station fell off the wall this morning. Time will tell if I can get it working again. Oy!

The sunrise was at 7:01.

The Practice:

I started with an acoustic guitar practice. I had a lesson scheduled at 10:30 this morning that got postponed until Monday morning.

Next I went out to my main practice area and did a round of The 10+

I did #8 with dumbbells as well as, Bicep Curls, Push-Ups and TRX pulls in The Barn

After going back out to my main practice area I did a round of Yin Fu 'Linking Palms' around my Bagua Poles for #9

Next I did The Three Swings and Song Gong

Next I did a Round of Taiji (right side) I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I

                            Holding 'The Wild Goose Leaves The Flock' from Yin Fu Baguazhang

Next I did Healing Qigong and Standing Post Training.

Next I did a round of Anyo Dalawa tuned into agility

Next I did a round of Seisan Kata tuned into quality basics, the timing of steps and strikes and agility.

I went back to the house for more guitar practice. We're going to cover the awning this afternoon.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Practice


The Details:

It's 41 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:00. It's cold out! It's Friday so I've got an 8-9 video call with Jeff.

I'm scheduled to have a guitar lesson in Colrain later this morning. My lesson is rescheduled to tomorrow at 10:30 here in Leyden.

The Practice:

I went out to my main practice area and did a round of Cheng T'ing Hwa 'Old 8 Palms' tuned into Mud Tredding Stepping around my Bagua Poles.

Next I did a full round of The 10+ I used dumbbells with #8 and Snake and Hawk Palm for #9

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I

Next I did Standing Post Training focused on health and feeling Song/Peng as well as connecting to nature.

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa tuned into the quality of my basics.

Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata I continue to flush out the changes that I propose to this Kata. It's coming along!

Correct alignment with dumbbells


Correct alignment when using dumbbells

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Practice


The Details:

It's 45 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:58. It's cold....Brrrr! I have a 5 pm call with Sifu Ray today. I forgot yesterday. I guess I was too concerned about Hurricane Milton hitting NSB? It is what it is!

The Practice:

I practiced in The Driveway because it was sunny and slightly protected from the wind.

I started with a round of Taiji Staff (left side) 

Next I did a round of Monkey Staff

                                                            Monkey Staff circa 1984

Next I did a round of Lo Family Staff

Next I did a round of The 10+ at #8 I did the squats with 20 lbs then I did a shoulder routine with 8 lbs dumbbells. At #9 I did a round of Yin Fu 8 Palms tuned into consistency. 

Next I did a round of Taiji (right side) tuned into maintaining TSOM and connecting to nature.

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo tuned into agility and focusing punches and kicks with full extension

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata focused on Breathing

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Staff Twirling - The Propeller

 Staff Twirling - The Propeller

Kick Boxing Karate Legend Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez

 Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


The Details:

It's 44 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:57. I drove down to Hatfield to meet with Paul for 10 this morning.

The Practice:

I started in The Driveway with a brief warm up using the first few of The 10 Exercises focused on health

Next I did a Round (right side) reciting the Taiji Classics during Part I. I entered a TSOM (Tranquil State Of Mind) and had a profound connection to nature.

Next I did Healing Qigong

Next I drove my Volvo down to Hatfield to meet with Paul

Once arrived at Paul's we started with walking in the house.

Next we did the first few of The 10 to warm up

Next we did:

- Sitting ankle pumps, toe then heel

- Sitting knee lifts

- Standing large arm circles in both directions; The Whirlpool and The Fountain

- Standing Palms up and Palms Down

- Single Arm Push-Hands giving Paul resistance to push and pull first then, smoothing it out towards the end. 

- Several Rounds of the first 1/2 of Part I focused on more accuracy

- Throughout I talked about Taiji Theory from The Taiji Classics

- Walking around the house

- We ended with jab and cross to focus pads

- Before I left we did single leg balancing

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio

 The Details:

It's 42 at the house. Brrrr! The sunrise was at 6:56. I'm going into The Studio to teach the 8-9:30 Taiji & Qigong Class.

The Practice:

Once I arrived at The Studio I did a round of Baguazhang Yin/Yang Circle Walking from the Cheng T'in Hwa style I was tuned into Toe in/Toe out and the stretch that happens.

Once students started to show up I started to talk about Functional Exercise vs Martial Arts Foundation.

Next we did a round of The 10+ I explained and separated out Functional Exercise and Martial Art training.  

Next we did a Round of Taiji on the left side for Part I and right side in Part II and III tuned into maintaining a TSOM.

Next we did Standing Post Training I explained the Taoist formula for putting the difficult/challenging exercises in the middle and ending with easier postures. 

We ended with Healing Qigong I explained my process of 1. Cultivating Nature's Qi and 2. Extending Healing Energy to family and friends.....All sentient beings throughout the universe (s)

After class I went to the YMCA and did a full round of CYBEX resistance training. I've been trying to increase my strength training regularity and intensity. I have a much easier time getting to the gym in Florida. Hopefully our house will still be standing and viable after Milton goes out to sea. Fingers crossed!