Friday, October 9, 2020

Using martial arts for health maintenance

 The two main ingredients for successfully using any of these arts (internal/external & qigong) for health maintenance / medication are: 1. Daily dosage (regularity) 2. Clinical dosage (getting enough of whatever it is) It's basically just like any medication; Take enough and take it regularly.    NOTE: The daily practice is the tough part.  

Daily practice is hands down, the most misunderstood, difficult but immensely important aspect of using internal/external martial arts and qigong training for health maintenance. 

Developing the habit of daily practice is tough, there's no two ways about it. It takes WILL, DETERMINATION and COMMITMENT, but once the habit is solid (takes 60-90 consecutive days to develop a habit), the benefits are amazing! 

My advice is to be kind to yourself, if you find you've stopped practicing (for whatever reason) DO NOT dwell on that, just start again and keep track of the 'days in a row'. It's just that simple;^)


"The main ingredient for success is PERSEVERANCE, no matter the endeavor." 