Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sunrise Saturday 11.28.20 & ***Qigong Beach Walk post #2

 Got out a bit late for first light. I'm sure there was more color 15 minutes earlier...But this was what I captured when I finally made it to the beach.

Pretty flat sea this morning with little to no wind. Did bring up the no-see-ums but all I did was shoot a couple of photos and then a 30 minute Qigong Beach Walk before I came back home for Sensei Jeff's 8am T'ai Chi class. Great class, was nice to see everyone. I felt wonderful afterwards.

Thanks Jeff...Bow!

Take a few moments to breath deeply, in and out through the nose, exhale longer than you inhale.


***A bit more detail on the Qigong Beach Walk:

To RELAX means to consciously SONG

Song has an internal feeling of release and expand - Difficult to see on the outside, but easy to feel if you are touching.

The recipe for relax (song):

1. Align the bones vertically - Imagine a plumb line through the center of your being - float the bones one over the other as if you are stacking boxes -

2. Release any excess tension downward - Ice to water, water to gas -

3. The release feels like the area is expanding in all directions like a balloon inflating

4. The expansion (the result of Song) connects your white tissue (facia and connective tissues) internally and externally. The internal connection is used to Ting (bring awareness to) your partner (externally) tensions and misalignments.

5. Use your breathing, to consciously release excess tension downward, using the mental image of the tension being ICE melting to WATER, WATER evaporating through the pores as a GAS. Resulting in further release and expansion.

*The process of Song is unlimited. Each and every breath can yield a deeper level of Song. There is NO limit!

6. Bone Up, Muscle Down When you feel the release downward internally watch out for collapsing externally; That IS NOT Song.

7. It takes time to bake a cake.....Be patient, it's part of the practice. IF you're practice is not making you at least slightly impatient you may not be practicing in a way that will eventually yield a higher level. Your practice may have become too comfortable to make any real progress.