Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tuesday Practice


The Photo:

I'm finding it challenging to get up and out to the beach in time for the actual sunrise. It's bound to happen! You'd think that after this amount of time (6 months ish) that it would always be easier....But that's not what I'm experiencing. It is usually easier, but when it's not, it's pretty challenging. 

It was cold again [low 50's] with a shifting wind; It started out from the N N/E and then shifted around to W N/W either way the wind direction the tide was very high and still coming up! I was looking through my camera view finder and the ocean came up above my ankles. Opps! My new sneakers too!!

The Practice:

Focused on adjusting to high wind and soft sand. 

Consistency is paramount to results.

Being able to adjust to -changing situations is essential to be able to pursue a daily practice over and extended period of time. 


I have a private lesson with Gary [Modern Arnis] this morning at 9:30-11:30 

Melinda and Dave will be arriving in the early afternoon. They will be staying with us for the week. Flying north next Tuesday. Looks like the weather is going to warm up and get hot by the weekend.

Gary and I posing for a photo.