Saturday, April 1, 2023

Saturday Practice


The Photo:

It was in the mid 60's this morning with a very slight E S/E wind. Sunrise was at 7:14 with high tide at 6:42. There wasn't much hard packed sand to practice but there was enough!!

The Practice:

Day 7,945

This morning, I was mainly focused on maintaining a neutral posture while forward in a bow stance and while rear weighted in a bow stance and strived to maintain a neutral posture while transitioning from one posture to the next. 

I also focused on the smoothness and lightness throughout the session.

I had a few moments where the feeling of connecting to nature was extra strong. I usually feel some connection throughout my practice but this morning when I focused on connecting to nature, it was different. Strangely potent...More connected than before, as if it was a new experience. 

We took Cheryl and Kirk to Haulover's yesterday to see the Manatee's. Very cool viewing spot for them. Then we went to Goodrich's for lunch. Yummy fried food....Oh boy!!