Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wednesday Practice


My practice partner is loosing interest, but still likes to be out on the deck with me while I'm practicing. I guess me practicing every morning has become "ordinary", just an average day with a regular activity. 

Echo has his first heartworm shot later this morning....Oh boy! Two months of trying to keep a puppy quiet. Oh Boy!! 

I started with target practice with my new Wushu Spear. I worked on my Jab and Thrust with stationary and follow steps. 

I moved on to a full Warm Up using Hun/Haah sounds, then a Round (left side) focusing on the principles described in the Tai-Chi Classics. I also used silent Hun/Haah Breathing throughout the Round. That focus really increased the awareness when my Chi was being directed back to my center and then flowing out to my extremities. 

Now off to the vet's......