Saturday, August 5, 2023

Saturday Practice


Tweaking my balance skills this morning. 

Thanks to Don Miller for the concept of using balance boards of all kinds to 'jump start', tweak and stimulate the nervous system.

Balance board work cultivates proprioception and stimulates the nervous system. 

When I was young I used to roller skate quite often at the Rainbow Roller Rink in South Deerfield, MA. I remember the feeling of my feet on the floor after roller skating for 4-5 hours. It was my first experience with feeling 'rooted'. Now I realize the roller skating (skiing, surfing etc.) stimulates the nervous system in much the same way as a balance board. 

Don also had the class using Karate belts around the waist with a partner adding resistance. The idea is after the resistance is gone the practitioner is much more explosive and quicker when moving forward. At Sifu Ray's May '23 13 Spear Seminar he had the class do a similar exercise for the first section of the Tai-Chi 13 Spear Set. His idea was the same. First learn the movement, then add resistance (a helpful amount), then enjoy the after affects once the resistance is gone. 

The other way I've experienced this phenomena for the upper body, is standing in a door way and pushing outward against the door jam for a minute or two and the stepping forward only to have your arms 'magically' raise to the sides, seemingly on their own. This is sort of what it should feel like when you do Tai-Chi. Not exactly but it gives you the idea of effort-less. The only problem is this is actually stimulating movement by contraction and opposed to what we are really looking for is movement by release. Movement by lengthening as opposed to by shortening of tissue.

Longevity Training: Strengthening the connection between my unconscious mind and my feet and body will help with everyday balance especially keeping 'sea legs' for small boat sailing (which demands extra-ordinary balance and agility. 

I started with a full Warm Up and a Standing Meditation session using the Bosu Ball. I was more successful at the single leg standing on the Bosu Ball this morning. I've been doing the #1 Posture from the Single Leg Standing Meditation Set from Cheng T'ing Hwas Bagua Zhang. 

Afterwards I did a Round (left side) I had my Round interrupted a few times by Echo. More than usual I lost my place by unwittingly switching to the right side. I was able to stay centered when I realize the switch and merely switched back to the left side. 

After the Round I did another Standing Meditation session and a Healing Qigong. 

I then did full session with Jian w/ Tassel. First going through all the basic tassel twirls culminating in the double knife flowers with Bagua Circle Walking. 

I then reviewed the Tai-Chi Jian Form w/ Tassel. I'm slowly flushing out when to do what with the tassel. I actually like the non-tassel version of the Jian Form a little better than w/ tassel. But I do think it's good training for waist (yao) directing movement. It's small, but it's there. Reminds me of hola hopping from my youth!