Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wednesday Practice

I shot this image with my phone camera when the sun first appeared over the horizon. 

The Details:

It's 70 here at the house. The sunrise was at 6:56, last high tide at 4:56. As soon as I arrived on the beach the steady south wind delivered a very strong scent of the ocean. It reminded me of Maine at low tide (love that particular aroma - The Sea). I frankly couldn't understand what was causing such a strong Sea Smell. A strong Sea Smell is very unusual on the beaches of NSB. It was pleasant surprise this morning. 

The Practice:

I started down by the water's edge with a round of The 10+ in combination with the beginning of Master Ray's 30 warm ups tuned into the environment, breathing in the aroma of the sea, feeling the gentle sea breeze, the sun rising, the clouds, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach....Ahhhh! 

With gratitude and appreciation!

Next I did a Round (right side) tuned into counter balancing and experiencing how a 'Round a Day' helps to keep ones gate and balance more youthful. 

Next I did a Standing Meditation session using Holding The Moon and Play Guitar tuned into cultivating with the horizon. I've been doing this version most every day after my Round of Taiji.

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa tuned into the quality of my basics and stance work. I focused on the flow, rather than the power.

Next I did a round of Niahanchi Kata tuned into the changes that I'm contemplating. I have a bunch of this form that is currently under revision. Stay tuned....

Next I did a round of Modern Arnis' 4 Cane Anyo's first with the right side and then with the left. I noticed that the left side of #4 was more accurate and easier than before. Yay!

I finished with a Healing Qigong as I was returning to the house.


Marc, Gayle and Bill walking north. They are regular sunrise beach walkers. Like clockwork I see them most every morning when I'm down there exercising. They also socialize as they are exercising. 

"The very best exercise? The one that you'll do!"


I said my good bye's to Marc, Gayle, Bill, John and Doris this morning. Although I may see them tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'll make it to the beach on Friday morning before we leave for Leyden.