Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday at The Studio Practice


                        I shot this with my phone camera this morning before anyone showed up.

The Details:

It was 56 at the house. Sunrise was at 5:24

The Practice:

I drove into The Studio around 7:25 for the 8 am class.

I unlocked and opened a few windows and changed into my training sneakers. 

I did a round of  The 8 Animal Set from Cheng Style Bagua Zhang.

Next I did a session of Yin/Yang Walking from Cheng Style Bagua Zhang

I had Read and Lucy show up for class this morning. They wanted to work on Master T. T. Liang's Two Person Dance (form). 

Lucy and I started with two person Withdraw And Push tuned into palm up on the hand moving under in a wiping manner and keeping a neutral posture throughout.

I introduced the first Da Lu - We worked on Shoulder Stroke

Lucy and Read did parts I II III with a few suggestions.

Time was getting short so we did a Round of Taiji Quan on the left side.

I ended with a short Standing with a Healing Qigong 

Lucy had to leave

Read and I worked to get through the entire sequence on one side. It's been awhile!

I went to the YMCA and did a full round of CYBEX - Those are great machines!

A short stop and TITO'S for a pork bowl. 

Next stop home and lunch wih GG

Next a walk around The Farm to help digest and then some Blog-ing.....That's all folks!

Please let me know if you're reading this. Thanks!

email Sifu