The Details:
It's 70 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:47. High tide at 7:50. It's the wrong timing for the high tides and it's making QW The Beach and photographing the sunrise a bit challenging. I may be practicing in the back yard again this morning. My Friday morning video meeting with Jeff has be rescheduled to Sunday. I'm meeting Bill R. at The Wake Up Cafe at 11 this morning.
The Practice:
Yesterday afternoon:
I QW to the beach. I walked north until the 16th Ave walkover. The tide was too high to continue on the beach so I walked north on Hill Street up to The Pelican and went out on the south side boardwalk to practice and take a look at the ocean and beach. It was 2 1/2 hours before high tide and the wave were already breaking all the way up to the seawall at The Pelican Condos. Oy!
I did a full round of The 21 and Healing Qigong before QW back down Hill Street to the house.
I started inside with reading out of 'Evidence' a book of poems by Mary Oliver that Janee gifted me back in October. I've been reading a poem a day first thing in the morning since I received the book. With gratitude and appreciation.
Next I went out to the backyard and started with a round of Taiji Double Dao Form using the double broadsword set that I have here. I focused on mobility and agility and general overall health. I went slow and low in the Cross Leg Stances for hip mobility.
Next I did a full round of The 10+ focused on consistency and the application of self discipline. I was cautious not to overthink them. Just Do It! I had a fair amount of internal dialog and negotiations with myself. Oy! Just DO IT!
Next I did a Round of Taijiquan (right side) focused on:
- Opening the body
- Releasing turbid Qi
- Cultivating Qi
- Balancing Qi
*NOTE: I use discipline to stay consistent - I DO NOT rely on motivation - When I realize that I'm starting to negotiate with myself, I discipline myself to start the session. I often find that I use discipline to start a session but once I get started, I find that I get motivated and end up doing more than I originally thought I would. Disciplining oneself to start pays off....Big Time!
Don't think just do!!
Next I did SPT (Standing Post Training) and Healing Qigong
Next I did a round of Anyo Isa adding more pop and agility throughout the Anyo
Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata solidifying the changes that I'm making to that Kata. It's coming along nicely.