The Details:
It's 69 at the house. The sunrise was at 7:18. The high tide was at 8:14.
The Practice:
I started inside reading a poem from Mary Oliver's book Evidence and then acoustic guitar practice.
It kept getting late so I went out to The Backyard around 10:30 to practice.
I started with a round of Taiji Double Dao using my Dragon Canes. I focused on shoulder and wrist health derived from the 'round the head' sequences.
Next I did a brief Warm Up using the first few of The 10 focused on health and consistency.
Next I did a Round (left side) focused on consistency and willpower. It was a choppy Round because the Wire 3 sales guy was making rounds and we signed up for an install to try it out. The install is going to be tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 8:30 am.
I finished (finally!) with STP and Healing Qigong before working out the details with Cecil Sapp the Wire 3 sales guy.