Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Sunrise Wednesday 12.02.20 - ******Sixth installment Qigong Walking

Cold (for here - mid 40's) with a stiff NW wind, resulting in a nearly empty beach. The cold wind surely keeps the riff raff away;^)

Once again I went to shoot the sunrise and a message came up on my cameras screen "NO CARD" Oy! But, I had my trusty Motorola phone with me and captured the first light anyway....Ha!

I was dressed enough to keep warm, after a few photos I started with The 10 Exercises, followed by a Round of T'ai Chi (left side today), then Standing Meditation followed by a Qigong Beach Walk, a bit of stretching/kicking and stick twirling.

Life is Good!

With gratitude and appreciation!!

Once I've adjusted everything physically, and calibrated my mind, connected my breathing to my actions, one of the next things I do is add, (by releasing more), Peng energy to my hands, then my arms. It's important to fill the arms with emptiness NOT tension. The skin expands, beneath the skin is hollow and empty.

Song (downward sinking energy) = Peng (upward expanding energy)

The more you Song the more Peng energy will rise up from your feet (bubbling spring).

Feel the earth pushing up against your feet.

Ting = Song

The more you evolve your Ting the more Song will be available.

The secret to relaxing (Song) a muscle is to know when that muscle is tense.