Thursday, September 30, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

Tilopa's Six Essential Points of Meditation - Mahamudra - Kagyu Tibetan...

I'll be teaching Tuesday (9/21) from 8-9:30 @ The Studio

 Please let me know if you can make it. Hope to see you there......

Bagua Zhang at Three Sisters - Very powerful spot, perfect for a round of Bagua!!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Tensegrity is the path to Elastic Power

 *This is an excerpt from Anatomy of Drumming by John Lamb


One of the key concepts in understanding how the body moves is how forces are delivered through the body. To understand this, you need to understand tensegrity. Tensegrity structures are formed of hard, compressible parts held together by constant tension. In the body, the bones are the compressible parts and the muscles and connective tissue (white tissue) are the elastic bands providing the tension. 

It is important to note the difference between tensegrity structures and compression structures. The classic example of a compression is a brick wall. In a brick wall, the weight of the top brick is delivered directly into the bricks below. Each element in a compression structure is designed to be compressed. When comparing tensegrity and compression structures there are multiple advantages of tensegrity structures: mobility, strength, lightness and interdependence.

Ninja trash pick-up!!

 Ninja trash pick-up!

Yu yongnian talks about Yiquan

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

I'm available to teach Tuesday 9/8 from 8-9:30am - Email me if you're available to meet:


My first Bagua Zhang classes with Dr. Leung were held in the Rose Garden in Boston. That's me in the yellow t-shirt.