Sunday, January 8, 2023

Sunday 1.8.23 sunrise practice


The Photo:

Cool with a stiff north wind. Tide was almost up and little beach to exercise on.  Huge flock of sea birds makes the shot special. There must have been hundreds. Amazing to witness in person....

Try practicing during your local sunrise!

You'll be happy you did!

The Practice:

Because the tide was rather high there was very little firm sand so I ended up practicing in softer sand than I prefer to, because the softer sand is much more difficult to balance on and consequently harder on your feet/ankles/knees and hips.  But I still got a full warm up in starting with qigong and progressing into The Ten and a Round of T'ai Chi Ch'uan followed by a bit of Standing Post first Wuji then progressing into Raise Hands and Step up on both sides followed by what I'll call 'Healing Qigong' where I send healing energy out to ALL my family, friends, students, teachers and all sentient beings throughout the universes. 

The Lesson:

Regular practice is essential for the Inner Cultivation arts. Regular practice is the price of admission to these arts. Without it.....I'd say it's highly unlikely the practitioner would get very far. IMHO