Saturday, February 18, 2023

Saturday Practice


The Photo:

Well, a front came in last night, it got very windy and then colder. It was in the high 40's this morning with a stiff wind from the N N/E. I had to physically hold my tripod down in order to keep it from being blown over with my camera on it. Yikes!! The tide was high at 6:56 am and the sunrise was 7:01 am. There was virtually no hard pack sand to practice on. I almost came back to the house to practice, but then decided to give it a try and then after adjusting to the soft sand, I just kept going and ended up doing a full practice. 

The Practice:
My practice was more difficult today because of the: 
1. Cold 
2. Strong N N/E wind
3. High tide
4. Only soft sand to practice on

My main focus was to stay consistently doing my practice at Sunrise on the Beach. This morning because of the high tide and wind it was particularly challenging.  

It was an interesting practice, like the sunrises they are all similar but different. This morning it was notably more private. I think I only saw one other person crazy enough to be out there. 
The unusual amount of privacy made it easier to stay 'inside' and connected to nature. This can often be a challenge when folks are walking by talking loudly, a couple of feet from me. Particularly weird when the are on their phone! I try take it as an opportunity to not react. Non reaction is the hardest when they wiz by on an electric bike a few feet from my practice spot. 

I didn't see anyone that I knew on the beach. I did see Rita and her dogs Louie and Teddy to wave to from a distance.
Peter and Susan have been staying with us since later Thursday afternoon. We spent the day with them yesterday. It was in the high 80's yesterday afternoon and we drove down to the Apollo National Park at the south end of NSB. We took them to see the Turtles Mound. There's just a spectacular view from the top. The evening was warm too, so we all sat outside enjoying the warmth and the lights after we all had dinner outside at Cafe Verde. Simply delightful day.