Sunday, February 12, 2023

Sunday Practice


The Photo:
It was in the high 60's with a gusty W S/W wind. The tide was low at 7:33 am (high at 12:59) this morning with sunrise at 7:06 am. There was plenty of hard pack sand to practice on.

The Practice:
Very social morning on the beach. I kept getting approached by people during my warm ups. Frankly, I usually and shooting the sunrise simultaneously while doing The Ten Exercises. I often shoot photos in between exercises. But that only interrupts for a few moments, sometimes conversations with folks that approach me lasts a bit longer. It's important for me to be approachable (magnetic) while I'm practicing. 

This morning I stayed focused on:

"In every movement the entire body should be light and spirited (agile)"

I also focused on breathing in the new and fresh and breathing out the old and the used.
While using Pore Breathing I saturated every cell with qi and felt qi saturating my bones.
I recited out loud:
"Breathing in, qi is in me,
Breathing out, I'm in qi"

The Lesson:

I use any interruption or distraction while I'm practicing, as an opportunity to NOT REACT. 

Becoming less reactive to outside input is one of the 'goals'. 

Calm, centered, internal strength is not easily disrupted. 


Lisa "no shoes" walking south. She encouraged me to go barefoot while practicing T'ai Chi etc. She said it would help to to 'connect' to the earth. Hey, it's all good;^) The best way IMHO is whatever and whichever way you will do it!! If it feels good and is attractive to you....Go for it!!

Here's Bob (the mailman) and Mike walking north. Their wife's are Carmen and Joan the two off to the left in the distance. Mike continues to work on his right ankle flexion and extension. He is realizing that at his age (85) that this will take time, patience and consistency. Keep working at it Mike!!