Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday Practice


The Photo:
Warmer this morning and I overdressed. Very slight breeze, maybe from the S S/W? To little to tell.
I just made it down in time to see the ball rise. It was unusually clear on the horizon this morning. Not much for color but It's always nice to see the ball rise.
The time was coming up. There was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on.

The Practice:
I found myself reflecting on what a celebration it is to be healthy enough at my age to practice these internal arts without pain. As I went through my warm ups and checked in with the various parts of my body....No pain!! Anywhere! That's a testimonial to the 'stuff' that I practice daily. 
With much gratitude and appreciation I continued with a Round (right side) some standing and a healing Qigong.
Back at the house I met with Gary for an hour and a half of Modern Arnis practice. I started with The 10 and proceeded to the Staff/Spear warm ups and exercises. 
We ran out of time...
I continued with musical practices...


Melinda and Dave joined me at sunrise again. Here they are: