Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wednesday Practice

 The Photo:

It was warm this morning, in the high 60's with an intermittent breeze from the west. The tide was on it's way out, with the next low tide at 10:42. There was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on. Very pleasant place to BE. 

The Practice:

One more sunrise practice!!

This morning I was reflecting on how a daily practice slowly transforms a person. The higher the quality of mind-intent (think frequency/vibration) the bigger the transformation. 

For example is you were to do resistance training, calisthenics and stretching, regularly and consistently over time, you should expect a change. 

With internal training the changes are much more subtle. 

With internal training one should expect things like:

Actively seeking better physical balance thru correct alignment and relaxation (Song) 

More interest/curiosity about better balance in life and in all things in general. 

More interest/curiosity in becoming less reactive 

Becoming more resilient to adversity in general 

A stronger connection internally by releasing big muscle tension and slightly stretching (opening) the joints.  

A cultivated appreciation of nature

A cultivated connection to the Tao  

IMHO - It's different for different people depending on the intention of their training. The above things are some of what I've experienced and strive for at this point in my life. 

Several times throughout my warm ups and then into my Round (rt side) I had a very strong feeling that my arms were merely silk scarves and their movement was coming from my waist and my mind-intent controlled my waist. It wasn't a new feeling but the depth of the feeling was new. I did not overly try to make this happen but I've been working towards this feeling for years. 

I've been contemplating the transformative nature of correct training. By 'correct training'  what I mean is:

1. Be aware of exactly what you are trying to do. Study it! Be able to say it out loud. Be clear and honest with yourself. 

2. Be very clear about what and how you are attempting to change and old habit (unless you're a beginner). 

3. Apply yourself regularly (practice, practice, practice)

4. Continually contemplate from a calm and centered place. 

5. Observe from a third party perspective. (is void of ego/emotion/over reaction)


I saw a couple of regular walkers and joggers. 

Paul stopped briefly to say hi.

Bob and Mike had another friend in tow, Phil. They stopped for a meet and greet and a couple of laughs. 

Life is Good!