Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Monday Practice


It was raining and cold, so I got a fire going in the wood stove and started my practice in The Barn. 

I always prefer to practice outside in nature, but occasionally when it's raining or too windy I'll practice inside. The Barn is a wonderful inside place to practice. There's lot's of qi and inspiration in The Barn, from two decades of fun, martial arts and music jams!

I did my Warm Ups and some Standing inside and then it stopped raining so I went outside for my Round (left side).

I love to practice in the woods of Leyden. It's very different from my beach/ocean practices NSB. I find it surprisingly calming and serene, perfect for internal practices. 

With gratitude and appreciation!!

After my Round I practiced the Yin Fu Set #1 around my first Bagua Tree. Awesome!

I really enjoyed the privacy and connection to the trees on the property. Trees, especially Big Grenie have been exceedingly helpful as training partners. They are the masters of Standing Meditation practices.

I hope you're enjoying your practices

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