Monday, April 24, 2023

Monday Practice

 It's cold (40's) and wet again today. So I'm sitting here planning out my practice spot. I'll probably go upstairs in the loft again. I feel fortunate to have that indoor spot to practice in. The weather has been too cold and damp this past week, to comfortably practice outside. This too shall pass!

This morning I'm reflecting on the use of Will and Discipline in relationship to daily practice. Once your able to negotiate a daily practice, you'll be able to build today's practice on the previous days practice and so on and so forth.....Daily practice is the only way to achieve the higher levels. There is NO substitute of regular consistent practice over a long period of time. No matter the endeavor!!

Thinking that daily practice will not demand Will and Discipline is not accurate. It certainly will!! As the years go on, the habit makes it easier until it's not, and then it can be very challenging. If you know and expect the challenge, realizing that it's like that for everyone, makes it slightly easier. This too shall pass!

It's also critical to get a good nights sleep in between practices. In sleep we absorb and assimilate the previous days practice. A stable sleep cycle is essential to progressing to the higher levels.

This morning I'm reflecting on a passage from Paul Gallghers book Drawing Silk:

       "An old Taoist tradition says that: Where one trains is every bit as important as what one trains."

I would also add 'When' you practice is also important: As early in the day as you are capable of organizing yourself.

I just finished an experiment: 6 months of daily Internal Practice on the beach [NSB] at sunrise. 

I've worked hard for the past 30 years to consciously develop a deep relationship with the Oceans. Using Scuba Diving as a mode of internal cultivation. I found myself being able to connect to the energies of the ocean, tide, wind, sun and moon. 

I've noticed that the habit of practicing on the beach at sunrise has made this weeks land locked practices a bit more difficult to calibrate. I find myself tuning into the feelings and vibrations that I was able to achieve during that 6 month experiment on the beach at sunrise. I now carry that frequency (beach/sunrise) inside of me and I'm able to access and reflect on it. 'It's become part of my Inner Sanctuary.

It's best to organize your practice to be: 

As early in the day as you can  

Sunrise is best

Preferable before noon

Outside in a natural setting that resonates with you personally

During inclement weather it's important to have an inside practice spot that resonates with you. 

Seek pleasant surroundings and good ventilation. 

Once you commit to daily practice, the learning and fun begins. One of the highlights of your day becomes:

When to practice

Where to practice

What to practice

Ready go!!