Saturday, April 22, 2023

Saturday Practice


I went into The Studio this morning for the 8-9:30 am T'ai Chi class. I got there a little early and met with Jeff and Luke before class. Among other things we discussed the idea of balanced mental effort. Not too much or too little, but just the right amount. We also discussed the idea that we are trying to 'transform' with the training, by focusing on very specific things:
                                                              Do This - Don't Do That

We then went through the Warm Ups from Sifu Ray with some explanation (from me) about the principles involved throughout the session.
Then a Round followed by a short Standing Meditation and Healing Qigong. We were out of time and the next class was coming in, otherwise I would have done The 21 T'ai Chi Qigong after a bit more Standing Meditation.
I visited with Jason in the hallway while the first Youth Karate Class was going on. 
After class I went down to visit with Paul C. for a bit. 
It was good to see him and all the students at The Studio. All in all a productive morning.
With gratitude and appreciation!